Thursday 20 July 2017

Moving Average Price For Material Is Negative Ko88

Penyelesaian order produksi (co88ko88) Body saat kita menyelesaikan varians pesanan produksi. Itu akan mengambil satu akun dari OBYC (t-code) PRD-PRF. Tapi bagaimana sistem menentukan akun yang lain dan apa yang seharusnya menjadi entri GL Seperti Kredit yang memiliki akun neraca akun Pamfil atau debit yang b ketika kita menyelesaikan varians pesanan produksi. Itu akan mengambil satu akun dari OBYC (t-code) PRD-PRF. Tapi bagaimana sistem menentukan akun yang lain dan apa yang seharusnya menjadi entri GL Like Credit yang akun neraca akun Pampl atau debet akun selundupan yang lain. Akun pelipat Jawaban replay Hai, ini akan mencapai GBB-AUA atau GBB-AUF berdasarkan pada Anda konfigurasi. AUA: untuk penyelesaian pesanan AUF: untuk penerimaan barang untuk pesanan (tanpa penugasan) dan untuk penyelesaian pesanan jika AUA tidak dipelihara. PRD-PRF - GL seharusnya tidak menjadi elemen biaya. Pastikan itu. Apakah Anda menganalisis varians produksi di COPAif so. check konfigurasi 1.Konfigurasi seperti struktur alokasi, struktur transfer PA, profil Permukiman. 2.Variance Analysis configuration, seperti versi target, varians key dll. Postingan: Credit. GBB-AUA atau AUF --gt Debit. PRD-PRF - gt ini seharusnya bukan elemen biaya. Semoga ini bisa membantu Anda. Terima kasih, RauDB: 4.46: Menangani Harga Rata-rata Bergerak Negatif Saat memasang transaksi miro berkenaan dengan bahan Stok, sistem tidak memungkinkan untuk mengirim mengatakan bahwa transaksi ini akan menghasilkan rata-rata bergerak yang tidak diperbolehkan. Saya ingin tahu bagaimana menangani situasi ini. Kami telah mengkonsumsi sebagian besar bahan ini dan keseimbangan stoknya sangat rendah. Oleh karena itu, tidak memungkinkan kami mengeposkan tagihan. Terima kasih asumsi HelloMy bahwa Anda menggunakan Kontrol Harga MAP (Moving Average Price) untuk materi Anda dan ada perbedaan harga antara nilai IR dan nilai GR dimana nilai nilai PO IR. Dalam hal ini, selisih harga akan dikreditkan ke saham Anda dan karena nilai selisih harga melebihi nilai saham Anda saat ini, nilai negatif ini terjadi. Jadi, periksa apakah saham bernilai negatif, ada dampak pada materi. Valuation. RegSuresh RELEVANCY SCORE 4.39 DB: 4.39: Error During Settlement 81 Saat mencoba menyelesaikan pesanan produksi melalui transaksi ko88. Sistem memberikan pesan kesalahan berikut: quotMaterial Price is Negativequot. Bagaimana mengatasi kesalahan ini mengapa kesalahan ini terjadi Saya mendapatkan di bawah mesaage saya mendapatkan pesan kesalahan berikut selama penyelesaian Harga rata-rata bergerak untuk bahan negatif: G035018P2105 1200 IN HOUSE Pesan no. M8783 Item ini akan membuat nilai saham yang menghasilkan harga rata-rata bergerak negatif. Kategori pesan ini dapat diubah dalam Customizing for Invoice Verification. Ini berarti Anda bisa menerima pesan sebagai pesan kesalahan meski sudah didefinisikan sebagai pesan peringatan di sistem standar. Dokumentasi berikut berkaitan dengan kasus yang berlaku hanya untuk sistem standar. Sistem tidak membiarkan harga rata-rata bergerak negatif. Periksa entri Anda di bidang quotAmountquot dan perbaiki jika perlu. Jika entri Anda benar, periksa hal berikut untuk bahan nilai saham (Lingkungan - Informasi data Master - Materi tampilan) riwayat posting (item Garis Lingkungan - Untuk materi). Mungkin perlu membatalkan postingan terakhir (misalnya, kuota barang yang salah atau perubahan harga yang salah), sebelum Anda dapat melakukan posting Anda. Jika Anda ingin melakukan perubahan harga, jumlah stok material mungkin negatif. Sebuah harga tidak bisa diubah jika stoknya negatif. Thanks in advance RELEVANCY SCORE 4.19 DB: 4.19: Keraguan Terkait Dengan Proses Renovasi fs Hi Semua, saya ragu terkait dengan skenario perbaikan. Saya memiliki bahan diperbaharui yang memiliki rincian di bawah ini Sebelum perbaikan C1 Baru. Harga rata-rata bergerak 5000 Stok 5 C3 Digunakan Harga rata-rata bergerak 1000 Stok 3C2 Dipulihkan Harga rata-rata bergerak 3000 Stok 3 Sekarang saya telah melakukan perbaikan bahan dengan rincian di bawah -1. 1 Bahan Diperbaharui -1 dari C3 sampai C2. Tingkat tenaga kerja -1 jam per jam adalah 50 inr di KP26. 01 - komponen yang harganya 150INR di MM022. Sekarang biaya terencana saya menunjukkan 1200INR. Tidak apa-apa 3. Sekarang saya melakukan GI bahan dan komponen yang diperbaharui kemudian biaya aktual yang dihitung adalah 1150 INR4. Sekarang melakukan konfirmasi kerja sebagai 1 jam maka biaya sebenarnya menunjukkan kepada saya 1200 INR 5. Sekarang pada GR donig untuk bahan yang diperbaharui melalui IW8W, biaya sebenarnya saya menunjukkan biaya 50 INR, tanda terima barang sebagai nilai INR 1850 sebagai nilai negatif. Kemudian setelah melakukan penyelesaian terhadap bahan yang diperbaharui, harga rata-rata bergerak C2 saya berubah dari 3000 menjadi 2550 dan saham meningkat menjadi 04. Sekarang dari atas saya tidak dapat mengerti bagaimana saya mendapatkan INR 1850 sebagai tanda terima barang yang menunjukkan nilai negatif pada tab Biaya. Dan perubahan harga rata-rata bergerak dari 3000 menjadi 2550 di MM02 untuk bahan Refur tipe Valuation C2. Pasokan karena terlalu panjang. Thanks in advance regrdspm Hi Giri, saya telah melalui thread anda tentang skenario pemugaran. Sebenarnya kami mencoba skenario yang sama untuk ban (proses vulkanisir ban inhouse dengan komponen dan nomor seri). Jadi bisa tolong bantu saya dengan proses dan jalannya bagaimana caranya. Itu harus dilakukan saat kami mencoba dan kami terjebak dalam beberapa hal. Ini akan sangat membantu dari sisi Anda jika Anda memberikan informasi kepada kami. Terima kasih RegardsPadmaja RELEVANCY SCORE 4.17 DB: 4.17: Harga Rata-rata Bergerak df DB: 4.00 : Biaya Overhead Dan Perbedaan Harga Pada Harga Bahan Rata-rata Bergerak sd Seperti kita ketahui, setiap perubahan biaya, seperti pembelian bahan peta dengan harga berbeda, sistem akan memindahkan biaya peta ke master MM03 material. 1 Saya ingin tahu bagaimana biaya overhead akan mempengaruhi harga bahan rata-rata bergerak atau apakah ada biaya overhead untuk harga bahan baku rata-rata 2 yang saya lihat untuk perusahaan perdagangan, kami juga memiliki alokasi aktivitas dan siklus alokasi biaya. Bolehkah saya tahu biayanya sebenarnya Apakah itu akan mempengaruhi harga bahan rata-rata bergerak 3 Apakah ada perbedaan harga untuk harga bahan rata-rata bergerak jika iya, apakah akan memindahkan harga peta 1) segala jenis biaya yang dapat Anda sesuaikan dengan kondisi statistik pada pesanan pembelian untuk semua biaya Bahwa Anda dapat langsung menetapkan biaya material. 2) Harga rata-rata bergerak (MAP) dihitung secara otomatis oleh transaksi MM (penerimaan yang baik, tanda terima faktur atau pengiriman langsung ke materi) tidak ada cara untuk mempengaruhi nilai ini dengan alokasi biaya tidak langsung. Dalam mengendalikan Anda dapat menetapkan biaya tidak langsung ke bahan (menggunakan lembar biaya), namun Anda tidak dapat memengaruhi MAP. Misalnya Anda dapat mengisi ke inventaris Anda biaya tenaga kerja untuk penanganan materi (indirect cost). Tapi nilai ini hanya bisa dihitung dalam mengendalikan modul. RELEVANCY SCORE 3.97 DB: 3.97: Perkiraan Biaya Standar Ppc1 1x Saya telah membuat data master material untuk bahan baku dengan V sebagai kontrol harga. Harga standarnya adalah 0,47 harga rata-rata bergerak 0,88 di OKKN, varian valuasi harga rata-rata bergerak berada di prioritas 1, diikuti oleh harga standar yang direncanakan 1. Ketika saya melakukan CK11N, perhitungannya berdasarkan pada harga standar 0,47 daripada memilih bergerak. Harga rata-rata karena konfigurasi di OKKN seperti yang ditetapkan harga rata-rata bergerak diutamakan 1. Tolong saran mengapa perhitungannya tidak memetik harga rata-rata bergerak yaitu 0,88 saya pikir Anda menggunakan varian biaya SAP standar PPC1 di OKKN, ini mungkin alasannya. Dalam varian penilaian tanaman yang berbeda dipilih, mohon buat varian biaya baru dengan cara mengkopi PPC1 dan juga varian penilaian, kontrol tanggal dan tab kontrol transfer sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Daripada mencoba untuk menjalankan CK11N, Anda mungkin mendapatkan biaya yang benar. RELEVANCY SCORE 3.97 Silakan lihat catatan OSS di bawah ini: - Saat Anda mencoba mengirim faktur untuk pesanan pembelian, sistem akan menghasilkan pesan kesalahan M8783: 39 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan negatif39. Kata kunci tambahan MRHR, MR1M, MIRO, MMVAL, M8783 Penyebab dan prasyarat Anda membukukan tanda barang berharga untuk dokumen pembelian bahan dengan kontrol harga rata-rata bergerak. Ketika faktur dikirim (item faktur dengan varian harga untuk penerimaan barang) Sistem menghasilkan pesan kesalahan M8783: 39Model harga rata-rata untuk material negatif39. Antara pengapalan penerimaan barang asli dan masuknya faktur, sistem sudah mencatat transaksi valuasi-relevan lainnya (pergerakan barang, faktur dan sebagainya, dapat ditampilkan dengan Transaction MR51). Verifikasi faktur mencoba (untuk cakupan saham) untuk mengkredit lebih jauh mendebet selisih antara nilai barang yang diterima dan nilai faktur item untuk persediaan. Namun, nilai total material tidak boleh menjadi negatif dengan adanya stock post ini. Sebelum mengirim faktur, Anda harus terlebih dahulu meningkatkan nilai saham. Jumlah dimana nilai saham harus dinaikkan paling sedikit dapat dihitung dari nilai berikut: 1. Transaction MM03, master material view view, field 39Total value39 (MBEW-SALK3) 2. Nilai faktur item sesuai faktur 3. Di Verifikasi faktur (Transaction MR01, MR1M, MIRO), mengubah jumlah faktur menjadi nilai yang cukup tinggi dan mensimulasikan faktur untuk menerima nilai yang akan diposkan untuk barang ini ke akun GRIR. Dalam verifikasi faktur, nilainya (3) dikurangi (2) diposkan ke saham. Ini harus lebih besar dari (1). Taruh debet berikutnya dengan jumlah (3) (1) - (2) untuk material yang terkena (Transaksi MR22). Anda bisa mengirim faktur sesudahnya. (Di bawah satu catatan OSS mungkin juga relevan untuk Anda: - DB: 3.86: Pemesanan Pesanan Produksi dengan Pos Negatif zp Saat saya mencoba menyelesaikan beberapa pesanan produksi, ini memberi saya kesalahan saat menghitung harga rata-rata untuk bahan negatif dan tidak membiarkan Saya mengatasinya, kami telah mempertahankan materi kami di MAP dan menyelesaikan variasi pesanan produksi kami ke material untuk menyesuaikan MAP-nya. Dalam pesanan ini, mencoba untuk menyelesaikan nilai negatif, yang lebih besar dari nilai total stok bahan dan jika Menetap meninggalkan beberapa saham dengan nilai negatif, apakah ada tubuh yang memiliki situasi ini dan apa yang menjadi solusi untuk ini Ini adalah Pavan Fronm IBGroup Rajnandgaon .. Untuk Pengetahuan Saya, Saat Memecahkan Order Produksi, Perbedaan antara biaya Target dan Biaya Aktual (Biaya Produksi) Biaya bahan baku habis pakai, 10 Aktivitas (Tenaga Kerja, Tenaga, dll) 5 Biaya Aktual adalah ur Selesai Mate Rial (MAP). 18 Sekarang sistem menghitung selisih 17 - 18 -1 Rs. Itu mencoba untuk mengurangi dari Biaya Material, Sekarang dalam kasus jika Bahan memiliki stok mengatakan 1 unit. Itu akan mengurangi biaya bahan sebesar 1 rs di Material Master. Jika Material tidak memiliki stok. Seperti yang kita tahu sistem mencoba untuk mengurangi biaya dari nol stok cenderung memberi kita pesan yang mengatakan MOVING RATA-RATA HARGA MATERIAL ADALAH NEGATIF. Jika Target - Sebenarnya katakan 1 RS itu meningkatkan harga material menjadi 1 Rupee, jika sahamnya Zero. Maka 1 Rupee menyentuh Perbedaan Harga KASUS 3: INDIKATOR HARGA STANDAR Dalam hal indikator Harga Standar Setiap hal menjadi Harga Material. Apakah terhadap varians negatif atau varians positif hits perbedaan harga. Jadi saya meminta Anda untuk menyelesaikan pesanan jika menggunakan MAP untuk barang jadi befor pengiriman barang jadi untuk menghitung biaya produksi aktual untuk bahan jadi. Kami juga dapat menggunakan MR21 untuk perubahan harga jika stok telah dikirim untuk penyelesaian, tapi itu Tidak disarankan untuk pengetahuan saya maka bahan ur tidak akan membawa biaya produksi aktual jika itu kasusnya. Tolong Benar jika saya salah. J. K.PAVAN KUMAR SAP Konsultan PP-PI DB: 3.86: Seberapa Jauh Kembali Perhitungan Harga Rata-rata Bergerak Berjalan sejauh berapa jauh perhitungan Moving Average? Dengan kata lain, perhitungannya tergantung pada jumlah GR yang dilakukan dari masa lalu. 1 tahun atau apakah perhitungan yang dibuat juga termasuk GRs dari 10 tahun yang lalu atau lebih Bagaimana kita bisa mengetahui berapa jumlah GRs yang diambil oleh SAP untuk menghitung harga rata-rata bergerak yang perlu saya ketahui Bagaimana harga rata-rata bergerak menghitung untuk saat ini? Bahan Data tahun sebelumnya 12 2011: Harga rata-rata bergerak 181.76 Harga standar 99.999.00 Kontrol harga S Unit harga PY 1000 Jumlah saham PY 0 Total nilai PY 0 Data Tahun Berjalan: Harga rata-rata bergerak Rata-rata 379.89 Harga standar 407.18 Kontrol harga S Unit harga PY 1000 Jumlah saham PY 6,339.000 Total nilai PY 2.581.11 Saya perlu tahu Bagaimana harga rata-rata bergerak 379.89 dihitung untuk bahan yang ada Ok. Ya itu mencakup semua sejarah transaksi selama 10 tahun terakhir. Jadi setiap ada pergerakan material yang berkaitan dengan perubahan harga, update sistem MAP. Jadi, dalam hal ini, semua data historis berdampak pada PETA. RELEVANCY SCORE 3.86 DB: 3.86: Harga Rata-rata Bergerak jd HELLO SEMUA ORANG, DAPATKAN APA PUN LAKUKAN SAYA TAHU BAHWA DI DALAM SKENARIO APA SAJA RATA-RATA RATA-RATA BAHAN TERTENTU MENJADI NEGATIVEREGARDS, TERIMA KASIH INDAH UNTUK MEMBANTU DARI SETIAP DAN SEMUA RELEVANCY SCORE 3.83 DB: 3.83: Bahan Periode Sebelumnya Harga Dalam Isu. Jz Sistem pemetik bahan harga periode sebelumnya dengan pergerakan 201 dan yang sama dibalik dengan sistem pergerakan 202 mengambil harga pada harga rata-rata bergerak saat ini. Bahan A - Pindah Harga rata-rata 10.24 Harga periode sebelumnya: 10.28. Sedangkan issue 201 Document Amount in LC adalah 10.28 dan jika dokumen yang sama dilakukan 202 movement same time - document Jumlah di LC adalah 10.24 yang merupakan harga rata-rata bergerak saat ini dalam sistem. Apakah perilaku standar sistem ini atau karena pengaturan harga terkait inflasi tolong beritahu saya jika ada yang punya ide. Sama waktu tolong beritahu jika ada pengaturan yang perlu diubah. Hanya membalikkan dok yang sama. Tidak menggunakan tab pembatalan di Migo, tidak ada harga yang akan berubah sama. Sistem akan secara otomatis memilih mov pembalikan. Tipe yaitu 201. RELEVANCY SCORE 3.83 DB: 3.83: Harga Rata-rata Bergerak untuk Produk Semi Selesai kk Bisakah orang menyalakan masalah ini, Klien kami mempertahankan harga rata-rata bergerak untuk bahan setengah jadi, perlu klarifikasi pada poin di bawah 1) Apa keuntungan dan Kerugian karena harga rata-rata bergerak, 2) harga mana di master material setelah penyelesaian pesanan produksi, 3) Adakah dampak dari hal ini terhadap kaliper WIP Thanks in advance RELEVANCY SCORE 3.82 DB: 3.82: Moving Average Price zj Jika saya perlu mengambil Harga rata-rata bergerak matl. in master material yang tabel dalam urutan akses saya hve untuk menggunakan silahkan lihat link ini. Re: Menentukan harga bahan master RELEVANCY SCORE 3.81 DB: 3.81: Harga Rata-rata Bergerak untuk Bahan Berharga Negatif z9 Saya telah melakukan PO dan GR tapi saat saya melakukan MIRO maka terjadi kesalahan harga rata-rata pricemoving untuk material adalah negative. quot Harga rata-rata bergerak Untuk materi adalah negatif: 10005719 3100 Pesan no. M8783 Sebenarnya itu karena saya memasukkan jumlahnya ke MIRO secara manual selain PO, nilai GR. Saya harus memposting MIRO dengan menggunakan jumlah ini. Tolong bantu. Apakah ada solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini? Dalam verifikasi faktur (Transaction MR01, MR1M, MIRO), ubah jumlah faktur menjadi nilai yang cukup tinggi dan tiriskan faktur untuk menerima nilai yang akan diposkan untuk item ini ke akun GRIR. Chk mendukung catatan SAP 356757 DB: 3.78: Error Co88 M8783 karena saya bermasalah saat mengeksekusi CO88, error seperti ini. (Status prod. order TECO PCNF DLV RRC GMPS MACM SETC VCAL, KKS2 telah dijalankan) Saya sudah mengecek penggunaan material harga S-standard dan MAP tidak negatif. Pengirim: ORD 410000022057 OUTER SHELL COMP. 20724 W M8783 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200000070501NCK0 1 Pengirim: ORD 410000022093 OUTER SHELL COMP. 10722 W M8783 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200000070502NCK0 1 Pengirim: ORD 410000022105 OUTER SHELL COMP. 10722 W M8783 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200000070502NCK0 1 Pengirim: ORD 410000022266 PIPE STEERING HANDLE KCJ - BUFF SFLASH W M8783 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200401020100BF01 1 Pengirim: ORD 410000022280 PIPE STEERING HANDLE KCJ - BUFF SFLASH W M8783 Pindah Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200401020100BF01 1 Pengirim: ORD 410000022034 PIPE STEERING HANDLE KCJS - BUFF SFLASH W M8783 Harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: A200403020100BF00 1 Mohon saranmu, untuk masalah ini. Mungkin Anda sudah memperbaiki masalah. Saya mendapat error yang sama. Dan OSS menjelaskan kepada saya bahwa penyebab pesan adalah volume penggunaan material yang tidak terbatas kurang dari volume Reserved. Jadi jika Anda tidak memerlukan pesan peringatan ini, Anda dapat mengubah kustomisasi untuk tidak mendapatkan pesan ini dengan menggunakan t-cd: OMRM. Hai, apa dampak penilaian bahan terhadap harga standar atau harga rata-rata bergerak? Salam, Karakteristik Standard price1. Semua postingan saham dibuat dengan harga standar.2. Sistem memposting semua perbedaan dari harga standar ke akun untuk pendapatan dari perbedaan hargau201D.3. Nilai yang tepat tersedia untuk tujuan pengendalian biaya akuntansi. Dalam tampilan akuntansi, Anda dapat menampilkan perbedaan antara harga yang dikirimkan dan harga standar.5. Anda dapat mengubah harga material jika diperlukan (umumnya pada akhir periode). Hal ini menyebabkan sistem untuk menilai kembali total stok untuk area penilaian. Karakteristik Moving Avg price1. Penerimaan dinilai berdasarkan nilai sebenarnya (sesuai pesanan pembelian, faktur.) .2. Sistem memodifikasi harga di master material sesuai dengan harga yang dikirimkan.3. Isu umumnya dinilai pada harga material saat ini.4. Data yang digunakan untuk menghitung biaya akuntansi mengendalikan karena itu mengandung fluktuasi harga. Hanya dalam keadaan luar biasa apakah sistem memposting perbedaan pada pendapatan u201CExpenses dari perbedaan harga akun201D.6. Anda dapat mengubah harga material jika diperlukan (umumnya pada akhir periode). Hal ini menyebabkan sistem untuk menilai kembali total stok untuk area valuasi. RELEVANCY SCORE 3,67 DB: 3,67: Bergerak Rata-rata Harga Negatif zd Kita mendapatkan banyak masalah mengenai harga rata-rata bergerak adalah kesalahan negatif. Saya baru mengenal harga rata-rata bergerak ini. Biasanya saya cek PO dan Moving average price di MM03 dan menyarankan solusi kepada pengguna. Terkadang pengguna bisa memposting faktur dan terkadang pengguna kembali dan mengatakan masalahnya tidak terselesaikan dan mendapatkan error yang sama, harga rata-rata bergerak adalah MRBR negatif yaitu untuk Release Blocked Faktur terkadang menunjukkan alasan untuk faktur yang diblokir. . Tolong beritahu saya bagaimana menganalisis harga rata-rata bergerak adalah kesalahan negatif yang mendalam. Apakah ada kode Transaksi atau jalur menu di mana saya dapat melihat lebih banyak detail mengapa pengguna mendapatkan kesalahannya, apa alasan yang mungkin timbul atas kesalahan tersebut dan bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah ini dalam waktu singkat. Semua saran akan sangat dihargai DB: 3,65: Harga Rata-rata Bergerak untuk Bahan Negatif Jika kita mencoba menagih bahan dengan Quanity 5 dan Priceunit 0,27 membuat jumlah 1,35 (dan 1,49 setelah pajak) sistem memberikan kesalahan dengan mengatakan Moving Average Price untuk material negatif. Daftar MB5B terpasang. Tolong saran mengapa kami menerima kesalahan Rincian kesalahannya adalah sebagai berikut: Memindahkan harga rata-rata untuk bahan adalah negatif: 40436107 5004 Pesan no. M8783 Item ini akan membuat nilai saham yang akan menghasilkan harga bergerak negatif untuk materi. Kategori pesan ini dapat diubah dalam Customizing for InvoiceVerification. Ini berarti bahwa Anda dapat menerima pesan sebagai pesan kesalahan bahkan meskipun pesan tersebut didefinisikan sebagai pesan peringatan di sistem standar. Dokumentasi berikut berkaitan dengan kasus yang hanya berlaku untuk sistem standar. Sistem tidak membiarkan harga rata-rata bergerak negatif. Periksa entri Anda di bidang quotAmountquot dan perbaiki jika perlu. Jika entri Anda benar, periksa hal berikut untuk bahan nilai saham (Environment - Master datainfo - Display material) riwayat posting (item Environment - Line - For material). Mungkin perlu membatalkan postingan terakhir (misalnya, barang yang salah dinilai atau penggantian harga yang salah), sebelum Anda dapat melakukan posting Anda. Jika Anda ingin melakukan perubahan harga, persediaan total materi mungkin bersifat benjolan. Sebuah harga tidak dapat diubah jika sahamnya negatif Moderator message: Basic frequently asked question - Silakan cari forum untuk jawaban dan baca docu di help. sap Lihat juga aturan keterlibatan kami: scn. sapdocsDOC-19331 Cara yang baik untuk mencari Forum dengan google Lihat blog ini dengan rincian untuk pencarian yang baik Blog ini menjelaskan cara menggunakan pencarian SCN: scn. sapcommunityaboutblog20121204how-to-use-scn-search Pesan telah diedit oleh: Jrgen L Standar Price. Harga ini umumnya dipertahankan untuk Barang Finish dan murni tergantung perusahaan kepada perusahaan. Ini disebut harga biaya produk tertentu. Perhitungan Harga Standar untuk FG: Biaya Pengolahan Biaya Bahan Baku (Biaya Produksi) Over Heads Freigh. Harga ini diperbarui secara otomatis dalam catatan Material Master setelah biaya dijalankan melalui CK11N oleh Finance. Moving Average Price: Harga ini berlaku untuk Bahan Baku dan juga murni tergantung perusahaan untuk comapny. Perhitungan Harga Bergerak Rata-rata: Total Nilai Stok Jumlah Saham Harga ini diperbaharui secara otomatis pada saat penerimaan barang atau konsumsi atau verifikasi Faktur ke master Material. Mengenai harga Futur-saya tidak punya banyak ide untuk hal yang sama. Mengenai Material Block, cukup cek di Basic data view, ada pilihan untuk pemblokiran materinya. Hadiah jika membantu RELEVANCY SCORE 3.56 DB: 3.56: Moving Average Price cx Apakah ada tipe pergerakan untuk mengembalikan barang yang dikeluarkan ke harga yang dikeluarkan tanpa mempertimbangkan harga rata-rata bergerak material tersebut bila harga pesanan antara dua kuota barang diubah. Sistem tersebut menilai pengiriman kembali atau pembalikan dengan nilai rata-rata lebih banyak dapat dibaca pada Catatan 49995 - MMIM: Penilaian pengiriman kembali dan revisi GR RELEVANCY SCORE 3.56 DB: 3.56: Miro Mendapatkan Kesalahan quot Harga Pindah Barang Negatif Khusus Untuk Pabrik fx Sementara Melakukan MIRO Saya mendapatkan satu kesalahan Pindah harga rata-rata sebagai harga negatif saya cek oss nots. Sebagai solusi per oss note. Menaikkan nilai saham atau mengubah harga rata-rata bergerak. Klien tidak menerima untuk menaikkan nilai dan meningkatkan jumlahnya. Tolong beritahu saya bagaimana saya bisa menyelesaikan masalah ini Total saham adalah nol dan nilai totalnya nol. Harga rata-rata bergerak di mm03 193,3 Pada saat harga rata-rata bergerak MIgo 214 Tolong beri saya solusi Edited by: devarapalliravindra18 on Mar 7, 2012 2:13 PM Mohon berikan solusi untuk yang satu ini RELEVANCY SCORE 3.55 DB: 3.55: Tabel mana yang sudah pindah rata-rata? Harga Untuk Bahan 9d Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya dari tabel mana saya bisa mendapatkan Harga Rata-rata Bergerak untuk sebuah barang Menemukan tabel MBEW yang memiliki informasi yang diperlukan RELEVANCY SCORE 3.55 DB: 3.55: Harga Standar Sap Mm dan Harga Rata-rata Bergerak 7f Apa itu Harga Standar dan Harga Pindah Rata-rata, berikan satu contoh saat pergerakan material. RELEVANCY SCORE 3.55 DB: 3.55: Moving Average Price f9 Pernah ada yang bisa menjelaskan apa yang kuotomatis harga rata-rata Bagaimana efeknya saat kita menerbitkan saham. Apakah perubahan pice rata-rata bergerak dalam master material selama penerbitan saham, dengan asumsi bahwa kontrol harga untuk material bergerak rata-rata. Coba jelaskan langkah demi langkahDB: 2,95: Bergerak Rata-rata Harga Negatif Saat Membalikkan Faktur F8 Issue: Pengguna sedang mencoba Untuk membalikkan faktur yang sudah dikirim dan pesan kesalahan berikut muncul. Harga rata-rata bergerak untuk artikel negatif: 12345 1003 Pesan no. Alasan M8783: Selama akhir tahun ditutup pada 31.03.2012, pengguna memasang IV. Namun, ada masalah dengan GR yang diposkan pada 29.03.2012, oleh karena itu pengguna mencoba membalik faktur yang diposkan untuk memperbaiki hal yang sama dan mengirimkan kembali IV melalui MIRO. Namun, mereka menghadapi masalah MAP negatif untuk artikel 12345. PO telah diajukan pada 01.03.2012 dengan harga 8.16GBP CAR (dan faktor konversi 1CAR 12EA) untuk artikel tersebut. GR dilakukan pada 29.03.2012 dengan CAR 0.18GBP - karena dihubungkan ke master artikel (untuk rentang tanggal antara 23.03.2012 sampai 04.04.2012). Selain pengiriman GRinbound telah dilakukan di 3 item baris yang berbeda dengan CAR 13 EA (156 EA) 16 CAR (192 EA) 9 CAR (108 EA) 0,18GBPCAR pada 29.03.2012 dan stok yang ada saat itu adalah 44 EA sehingga menghasilkan total stok Dari 500EA (45644 500EA). Oleh karena itu telah terjadi perubahan pada PETA pada setiap langkah GR yang diposkan. Catatan: Stok yang ada adalah 313 EA (26,08 CAR) dan MAP adalah 7.59. Dari berbagai posting, saya menemukan solusinya adalah dengan mengubah harga menggunakan MR21. Namun, saya agak bingung - dengan jumlah berapa yang harus saya ubah harganya di MR21 - dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa ada perubahan stok dari 500EA menjadi 313 EA setelah GI. Apakah diperlukan untuk mengubah harga untuk mengkompensasi 500EA GR qty asli dari 456EA atau apakah saya mengubah harga untuk mengkompensasi saham EA 313 yang ada. Atau apakah aman bahwa saya mengubah harga sesuai dengan harga sebelum 3 GR terjadi pada tanggal 29 Maret - namun yang perlu dicatat adalah bahwa ada masalah dari 500EA - lalu mundur dan kemudian membawanya kembali ke yang ada. Situasi dengan memasang debit berikutnya Perbarui MAP melalui MR21.and mencoba membalikkan dokumen. Setiap perubahan akan terjadi pada PRD atau UMD karena penilaian ulang. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.92 DB: 2.92: Stok Negatif df saya harus mempertahankan saham negatif untuk beberapa komponen. Untuk itu saya telah mempertahankan kutu master material pada stok negatif. Dalam skenario saya masalah barang otomatis pada saat konfirmasi. Ini tidak menciptakan stok negatif saat terjadi defisit ketimbang pergerakan gagal. Tolong membimbing saya yang pengaturan lebih lanjut harus saya dipertahankan. Terima kasih pradip untuk solusi Anda, saya baru saja mendapatkan solusi ini. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.89 DB: 2.89: Pengeposan Miro Doc: Kesalahan Sebagai Harga Aveage untuk Bahan Negatif Berikut adalah masalah Uregent Klien telah melakukan MAP untuk bahan sebagai Import PO Zero (MR21) dengan vendor pembersih yang ketakutan namun ditambahkan pada vendor yang sama dan Pembayaran sudah dilakukan Tapi karena dia telah membuat MAP sebagai Nol tahu kapan postingan PO sistemnya melalui error asquot Harga aveage untuk material adalah negatifquot, ketahuilah klien menginginkan MAP ditingkatkan menjadi Some value for that material. Pls memberikan beberapa solusi untuk itu Gunakan T. code: MR22 untuk meningkatkan qty dari ZERO menjadi qty apa pun, maka Anda dapat memverifikasi SALURAN RELEVANCY MIRO 2.89 DB: 2.89: Aum (ExpenseRevenue From Stock Transfer) Kunci Transaksi Mendapatkan Waktu Hit 641 s3 I Telah melakukan STO untuk Selesai baik, harga dipertahankan baik tanaman adalah 100, cukai adalah 12,36, tapi pada saat PGI, Dalam menerima tanaman Jumlah Cukai diposkan ke AUM. Saya telah merujuk contoh di bawah ini. AUM dipicu jika bahan dalam memasok pabrik tetap terjaga baik dalam MAP atau Standard price dan material dalam menerima plant dengan harga stamdard dan harus ada selisih harga. Jumlah differencial akan diposkan ke akun ExpenseIncome melalui AUM. Dalam kasus saya harga di kedua pabrik itu sama. Saya telah melampirkan tangkapan layar, dalam kasus saya AUM (Rugi Material lainnya) semakin bertambah, juga jika cukai muncul dengan benar. Saya ingin tahu y AUM tertabrak, jika barang cukai itu tepat. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.80 DB: 2.80: Pemesanan Biaya Produk Bergulir Karena Fluktuasi Tinggi Pada Peta Dengan Ml p1 kita memiliki skenario dimana kita memiliki bahan tertentu (dengan saldo negatif yang dikelola) dan buku besar bahan diaktifkan dengan penentuan harga berbasis Transisi dan dengan indikator pengendalian harga 39V39 . Pengguna sering membuat materi untuk transfer material (melalui MM). Dan kedua materi secara teknis setara memiliki PETA berbeda dalam master mereka. (Mulai dari 310 sampai 4000). Sebagai akibatnya, setiap asupan stok terjadi baik melalui transfer dari bahan lain atau terhadap GRN, fluktuasi harga sangat signifikan (dari urutan 301Ton sampai 42000Ton saat material dikeluarkan untuk pesanan produksi pada PETA tinggi ini, Biaya produksi semakin mengkhawatirkan. Minta saran dari para profesional yang telah menemukan situasi yang sama untuk menurunkan produksi sampai batas yang wajar dan dapat diterima sebelum kita menyelesaikan pesanan produksi. Solusi saya yang terlintas dalam pikiran saya dengan mudah adalah mempertimbangkan bagian dari peningkatan Biaya produksi sebagai biaya memo dan dengan demikian mengurangi biaya produksi untuk produk-produk berkualitas. Saya tidak yakin bagaimana bisnis akan melihat saran ini. Tolong sediakan keahlian Anda dalam situasi serupa yang pernah Anda temui. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda, Anda perlu Aktifkan Material Ledger dengan Material Master Price Determination-3-SingleMulti level. Dengan Penentuan Harga Material Masteru2019s-2-Transaction Berbasis, Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan manfaat penuh dari biaya sebenarnya dari hasil aktivasi Ledger Ledger. Untuk mencerminkan nilai realistis aktual dari pergerakan material yaitu Barang, Transfer Saham, lebih baik master material Penentuan harga perlu ditetapkan sebagai Level u201C3-SingleMulti. Dalam hal ini, penilaian awal awal untuk semua pergerakan material akan berada di Standard Price-S. Perbedaan harga selama pergerakan Barang akan terakumulasi dalam berbagai kategori Perbedaan Harga ML dan pada akhir bulan, sistem akan memberikan harga rata-rata yaitu Harga Unit Periodik, yang akan menjadi biaya aktual aktual untuk pergerakan material. Dengan pengaturan ini semua pergerakan barang dan valuasi persediaan akan dihitung dengan harga Periodic Unit dan juga kita dapat menandai harga ini untuk harga valuasi Inventaris masa depan untuk periode berikutnya. Saya harap ini akan menyelesaikan masalah Anda. Tolong beritahu saya update apapun dalam hal ini. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.79 RELEVANCY SCORE 2.74 DB: 2.74: Kondisi Akrual yang Akan Negatif Saat Membuat Pesanan Pembelian Kembali p1 Gurus yang terhormat, saya ingin membatasi perubahan tipe kondisi akrual sekaligus menciptakan Purchase Order Return. Saya mencoba rutinitas yang berbeda untuk membatasi perubahan tipe kondisi. Tapi berlaku negatif setelah membuat order pembelian kembali. Berikut adalah skenario Detail: Purchase order condition (Costing). Silakan melalui titik dan screen shot di bawah ini untuk memahami masalah ini. Kami menggunakan beberapa faktor biaya dalam pesanan pembelian, dimana beberapa di antaranya masih harus dibayar. Biaya yang masih harus dibayar ini bekerja dengan baik dalam pesanan pembelian normal, artinya ini ditambahkan ke harga beli dan memberikan biaya bersih yang benar untuk pesanan tersebut. Tetapi saat kita membuat pesanan pembelian kembali, faktor biaya yang harus dibayar harus ditambahkan ke biaya dan menunjukkan biaya yang sama pada saat pemesanan, namun mengurangi dari harga beli dan menunjukkan penurunan biaya bersih, karena biaya Saham yang tersisa naik tinggi setelah MIGO dan memberikan gambaran yang salah tentang stok yang tersedia atau dengan kata lain, ia menaikkan harga rata-rata bergerak (MAP) dari artikel tersebut. Contoh Seperti di bawah ini. Di atas screen shot biaya mendarat dihitung sebagai berikut: Landed Cost Gross Price (PB00) Other Dist. (ZODP). 513,62 20,54 493,08 Bahwa seharusnya: Biaya Pendanaan Harga Pokok Kotor (PB00) Lainnya Dist. (ZODP). 513.62 20,54 534,16 Harapan di atas sudah jelas. Hi, I am not sure about accrued cost but as you created an accrual condition type Other Dist. (ZODP) for accrued cost, then check nature and character of accrual condition type ZODP in t. code:M06 and also check any routine assigned (causing your concern-if yes, check formula in that routine) to accrual condition type ZODP in your MM pricing procedure in t. code:M08.Regards, Biju K RELEVANCY SCORE 2.74 DB:2.74:Co Integration With Pm Module 88 I have created Allocation structure for PM orders and assign in settlement profile and settlement profile is assigned to PM Order type. Is there any other configuration is required in CO. Because I am a facing a swear entry at the time of PM order settlement. When I execute the following KKS2 - Cost splitting KSII - Price calculation KON1 - Revaluation of PM orders KO88 - Order settlement Following entry is made in CO document at the time of order setttlement a) Receiving cost center COE 9210001 Cat 21 Dr 112 PM order CR 112 COE 9430030 Category 43 b) Maintenance cost center COE 9430030 Dr 12 Receiving cost center CR 12 COE 9430030 (this is revaluation amount) This mean net cost remain on receiving cost is only Plan cost which is 100. And balance on maintenance cost center is remain 12. I think the entry (b) should not made. Kindly explain what i m missing to configure, as I have to close Jul on prd server. By the closing activities. 1. In you PM Order now zero. 2. If its zero. is your issue related to value in the maintenance cost centers. 3. If Yes. please check what you do for these maintenance cost centers. Do you have a assessment cycle to tranfer the costs to product cost centers. or other type of allocation ( like template allocation). 4. Kindly check entries of previous month and check wether every month the design of your system is to make the maintence CC value zero. 5. I stronly believe. that settlement of PM orders in done correctly. but some user processes may have missed for the maintenance Cost Centers. Each the process in your system. w. r.t previous months and take necessary actions accordingly. Please revert back for any further clarifications. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.74 In production order cost settlement in ko88 i am getting an error message stating the moving average value (MAV) of the finished product is in negative. The MAV of the finished product have come done from 27000 to 3000 Please give solution why this have happened and how to correct it Please check the following 1. All the price and costs of the materials in Materials master. 2. Check you BOM and base qty in BOM. 3. Check the activity type and its cost in workcenters and respective cost centers. 4. Check the cost in CK11 first. 5. check the cost elements in ck 11 Pl come back if required I have the following issue. In January 1st by trx KP26 has been updated fixed prices (i. e. january, cost center 1000, activity type INSTAL, fixed price 90 EUR). Today trx KO88 (production order) has been run without errors. Controlling dept. forgot to update prices before running KO88. After KO88 running, by trx KP26 prices has been updated but how is possible to run again KO88 so that system will recalculate all the cost in the production order starting from january 1st to today with these new prices Is there any trx to do this It will possible even if maintain rates for 1st month itself, In this case system will take the average values. It will better to do the process as explained by Julie Phan, If you want to be taken the new values. DB:2.70:Moving Average Price Verification - How To Verify The Map Calculation ax The material that we purchase are managed with the price control S. Therefore every Good entry and Good Issue is valuated at the standard price regarding the Balance sheet valuation. At the End of the Month during the Month End closing, the MRN0 transcation is applied to identify the MAP unit price of a Material and this value is copied in the Tax Price 1 of the accounting view 2 (MBEW-BWPRS). Afterwards, the transaction MRN9 is carried out to calculate the MAP adjustment to amend the Balance Sheet valuation in order to get the MAP valuation of the Material. I know that way of the calulation of the MAP unit price based on the Good receipt and the Invoice receipt variance. I have 2 issues regarding this process: -- The MAP adjustment is recorded by valuation class whereas it would be helfull to have the recording of the MAP adjustment by Material Do you know an other way to solve this issue -- It39s impossible to verify the MAP unit price calculation during the month Do you know a SAP table (not the MBEWH, which is not usefull) which track for each stock movement (Good issue or good entry) the Total MAP value and Total quanity before the movement plus the MAP value and the quantity of the movement Thank you in advance Edited by: PMUNIER on May 25, 2011 2:16 PM the table where you see stock and stock value before a movement is in the movement itself: table MSEG It does not directly show the MAP, but based on the value and quantity you can calculate the MAP before this movement yourself. report SP0007000139 is helpful to monitor th MAP developement RELEVANCY SCORE 2.69 DB:2.69:Map Update In Po At Pgi s9 We have been trying to update Price in PO at the time of PGI using USEREXIT SAVEDOCUMENT triggering BAPIPOCHANGE. It is failing because PO cannot be edited while PGI is under processOutbound Delivery is being worked on. Can anyone please suggest if there is any way to update the price in PO at PGI. PS: We have MAP in the system which changes in the system, due to this PO is created as some different price and PGI postings happen at the MAP of that day which is most of the times different than price in PO. Thanks in advance friends. can you explain the background for this. A Po is usually a document to an external vendor, the price in the PO is the price you have to pay to your vendor, so it is not logical to me to make this price equal to a moving average price, which is calculated by stock value new receipt value divided by new total stock quantity. And even gets effected and adjusted if you have price differences when you post the invoice. Why would you external price be equal to a MAP and why are you doing PGI for a PO RELEVANCY SCORE 2.69 DB:2.69:CostPrice Diffrences Posting (Prd) zc Dear ALL, I am facing the issue in (PRD)Cost price diffrence account postings. In Article Master (Retail) using Moving avg price while doing GR price diffrence posting to PRD account due to negative stock indicator in Article master. Ex. In Article master having negative quantity 1 at MAP 10.Now i am procurring 2 qty at MAP 20 with purchase record. while doing GR for the qty 2 system calculating for 1 qty at 20 and 1 qty calculating 10 at old MAP diffrence 10 rupees posting to PRD account. This is wrong this needs to go Inventory but it is going to PRD, please let me know how to avoid this with out unchecking negtive qty in Article master. Please respondCheer39sRamEdited by: Ram on Mar 19, 2010 11:02 AMEdited by: Ram on Mar 19, 2010 11:07 AMEdited by: Ram on Mar 24, 2010 4:39 PM Hi, Check your settings in OBYC. Regards, Mohan. DB:2.68:Gr Price Different From Po Price jk We are continuously having a scenario wherein the per unit price at time of GR is showing more than then PO per unit price. The new price is relevant and fair too. As an example: In PO per unit price is Rs 150-, quantity 100 units. So total order value is Rs 15000- At time of GR, the vendor is indicating a price of Rs 175- per unit. But the GRIR account is credited with Rs 15000- only as it is taking the per unit price from PO only. We receive the IR with Rs 175- as well and due adjustment to the MAP and price difference takes place at that time. But the concern is we are booking a lesser liability (in our example by Rs 2500-). This type of situations are creating an under valued liability and have a huge impact on the year end closing. Also stock value is getting under priced. Its a common issue, but I am sorry to say that I am not aware of any clue. 1. Whether there is any config available that will allow us to adjust the per unit price while doing the GR 2. Any temporary work around for taking care the transactions already done Thanks all for your help and support. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.68 DB:2.68:Moving Average Price 1x Initially MAP of a material was 3000 rupees. After GR and GI of material, MAP reduced to 50 rupees which is wrong, because purchasing department procure the same material varies between 2500 to 3000 rupees only. Why the MAP got reduced to so less and please provide the solution for reset the price to original one(Rs.3000). At the same time, system throwing error quotMoving Average Price for material is negativequot during Invoice verification of material cost. Thanks in Advance. Thanks for your solution. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.67 DB:2.67:Variance Not Splitting Qty Price pc Need to identify what is going wrong here, i have configured PA Transfer structure for variance settlement as below. PRIVInput Price VarianceVV011 QTYVInput Quantity VarianceVV012 INPVRemaining Input qty VarianceVV014 OPPVOutput Price VarianceVV016 LSFVLot Size VarianceFixed-Cost VarianceVV017 Now for a SFG in SCE say the BOM Raw material is costed at MAP of 10 for Std Qty of 20. Now against in Production for the SFG in actual GOods Issue if the Raw material is issued for 25 Qty (Std 20) and MAP at the time of issue is 12 (Std 10). Now while settling to COPA in ko88 i can expect the variance of 300 splited between qty (QTYV) price variance (PRIV), but COPA documents are settled for entire 300 only against remaning input qty variance(INPV). I checked variance variant all tick mark is there properly. I tried the same in Sandbox it is working fine having issue only inDEV. What needs to be done to settle the 300 into both Qty Price variance in 2 difference COPA Value field. you have to assign proper cost elements to the variance categories, i. e which cost element should be the source for the different variance categories in PA transfer structure. If this was not defined all the variance will be settled to remaining input variance check this also The Material origin indicator is set in the costing view of the master record of cost-critical materials The Record quantity indicator is set in all relevant cost elements RELEVANCY SCORE 2.67 DB:2.67:Goods Receipt Error: quotPrice Of Goods Mvt Will Become Negativequot pm When entering a receipt, the system is returning this error message: quotPrice of goods mvt will become negativequot: The goods movement was valuated at a negative price. quot (M7330) In other threads in this forum, I read that this happens when if a receipt were posted, the value of the inventory would become negative - which the system does not allow. It seems that a solution may be to increase the material price in MR21. But I would like to understand the calculation. Material ABC is valuated at standard price. We want to receive: 960 pieces of ABC Total stock 7,188 pieces Standard price 114.62 USD1000 pieces Moving average price 143.87 USD1000 pieces Total stock value 823.89 USD Purchase price 125.44 USD1000 pieces How does the system end up with a negative valuation check with business and maintain correct price in material master and post GR I do got this error but on posting invoice and to identify the solution you need to analyse the material document for that material RELEVANCY SCORE 2.66 DB:2.66:Negative Value In Credit Memo 9p I already set Positive quotAquot in plusminus field at customizing of Condition Type, but while create Sales Order for Credit Memo, the condition value has negative value although I39ve inputted the positive price. Please kindly help. Terima kasih. I assume that you trying to create Credit Memo with reference to Invoice Correction Requestion (RK). Then the negetive amount in Credit Memo can be result of: In RK, you have 2 lines: 1st for Credit, where, its either 10 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total 100 or 10 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total condition value 100 2nd for Debit, whereas, where, either 12 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total 120 or 10 EA quanitities are priced 12 Total condition value 120 In either of the case, amount transfer to credit memo is - 20 for difference of Credit line and Debit line from RK The ideal condition for RK will be 1st for Credit, where, its either 12 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total 100 or 10 EA quanitities are priced 12 Total condition value 100 2nd for Debit, whereas, where, either 10 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total 100 or 10 EA quanitities are priced 10 Total condition value 100 Now, ideally if the negative amount is coming in Credit Memo, then that implies, you need to generate Debit Memo instead. If that is not the case, which I explained above. Then if you be kind enough to elaborate the business process, so that people can assist you better. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.65 DB:2.65:Internal Order Settlement a3 MODERATOR: Message locked. Please read the Rules of Engagementsdn. sapirjsdnwikipathdisplayhomerulesofEngagement before posting next time. DONquotT POST IN ALL CAPPS. HERE IS A PROBLEM AT THE TIME OF INTERNAL ORDER SETTLEMENT (KO88) MASSAGE IS COMMING, EITHER SENDER IS ALREADY SETTLE OR THERE IS NOTHING TO SETTLE( IN KOB1,THE BALANCE OF INTERNAL ORDER IS SHOWING) KINDLY SUGGEST ME That message will come in two cases. One is the order is not contains any values. And second case is the order is already settled. Go to KSB5 t code and check it RELEVANCY SCORE 2.65 DB:2.65:Not Able To Settle Process Orders kk We are using MAP (Moving Average Price for Finished Products) settlement is being done on daily basis. We are doing settlement to some Process Orders (KO88) in the month of Janu201911 i. e. period 01 but system is showing 2 number against the NO CHANGE Category under Processing category. Nothing is settled although there is an amount that should be settled that means balances are present in the process orders. Settlement was going on very well till 3 days back. U meant say that for 2 orders settlement not done. Check following things. 1) Check order status. It should be DLV or TECO. 2) Or may be orders were already settled.. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.65 DB:2.65:Settlement Before Goods Issue zj We are maintaining our semi-finished goods (SFG) at price control indicator quotVquot moving average. Once the SFG is complete we do confirmations (t code MB31). We do settlement of these SFG production orders ( t code KO88) immediately ( i. e. before issue of SFG to next higher level production order) so that variance will be loaded on product cost immediately. Kindly suggest is there any user exit by using which we can prohibit the issue of SFG to next higher level production order unless SFG production order is settled. Or please suggest any other appropriate solution. This is a problem with moving average. We reveiewed it and our consultant advised against it due to the lack of system control over the timing of setttlment and the GI. Let39s see if someone has a solution. DB:2.62:Aa834 Encountered During Settlement Ko88 am At the time of settlement with investment order via KO88, we are getting the following error. AA834 quotYou cannot use this transaction type to post to this assetquot. After investigation, we suspect that this might be due to downpayment we39ve just made to PO that belongs to the order. In our business process, these are POs assigned with insvestment orders which end of the month should be settle to AUC asset. Appreciate if someone could enlighten me what has gone wrong as the down payment is made against the PO and we do not want to capitalise down payment to AUC. However, system check for these down payment since during order settlement. This has jeopordised our month end process. Sorry for the delay in reply. I could not find a report that showed downpayment posted to the order as all the reports are based on cost element and down payment entry does not have a cost element. However, it is available in the asset explorer and it should be possible to view the same using a customized report. Thanks and Regards, We had the 0 stock and sold 1 quantity of 100. after that through MR21 we changed the MAP. At that time system generates two FI documents entry. Price difference ac dr to inventory ac. Inventory ac dr to price difference ac. why it is so, system shoud generated 1st entry for finance point of view. Please provide solution and process of this. We had the 0 stock and sold 1 quantity of 100. after that through MR21 we changed the MAP. At that time system generates two FI documents entry. Price difference ac dr to inventory ac. Inventory ac dr to price difference ac. why it is so, system shoud generated 1st entry for finance point of view. Please provide solution and process of this. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.61 DB:2.61:Negative Amount. a1 We have an issue. There is a third-party reporting tool, which gets data from ERP. The report is showing a negative value for a particular material having a positive quantity. I have tried to understand why would the system show a negative amount for a positive quantity. The material is on Moving average price. Could the moving average price be negative, hence its showing the negative amount on hand I am trying to understand under what circumstances, will the SAP system show negative amount for positive quantity of inventory on hand e. g inventory on hand 10 value of inventory on hand -100 moving average price 10 Note: At this current time, I am unable to see any discrepancies in the system. Everything including moving average price, inventory quantity and value look perfect. The issue mentioned above occurred a few days back, but I am unable to trace why it would have happened. Thank you Nick. I will check and get back. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.61 DB:2.61:Price Comparision In Bidding Engine js While price comparision in bidding engine. our requirement is to take into picture all price elements (for ex. gross price, discountsurcharge, freight, p F charges, custom duty. excise, cess, sales tax(indian tax structure, etc..) There are also some price elements which will be entered by purchaser himself based on some questionsanswers with bidders. For example, there is one condition from purchaser that if bidder fails to deliver goods on delivery date. bidder will be charged fine of .5 of base price. If bidder does not agree with this condition, purchser will add 1 of base price to the price offered by vendor at time of price comparision. We are using classic scenario. Please let me know how to map all these in system. Edited by: Vipulkumar Hasmukhlal Patel on Jul 13, 2009 8:40 AM While price comparision in bidding engine. our requirement is to take into picture all price elements (for ex. gross price, discountsurcharge, freight, p F charges, custom duty. excise, cess, sales tax(indian tax structure, etc..) There are also some pr ice elements which will be entered by purchaser himself based on some questionsanswers with bidders. For example, there is one condition from purchaser that if bidder fails to deliver goods on delivery date. bidder will be charged fine of .5 of base price. If bidder does not agree with this condition, purchser will add 1 of base price to the price offered by vendor at time of price comparision. We are using classic scenario. Please let me know how to map all these in system. Edited by: Vipulkumar Hasmukhlal Patel on Jul 13, 2009 8:40 AM DB:2.59:Transfer From Auc To Asset sk I have small problem in settlement. 1.We ran settlement using KO88 for single order and posted to AUC using quotAutomatic settlementquot. Then ran quotFull setllementquot and posted value from AUC to Asset successsfully. 2.But we want to reverse the same. So went to KO88 again and selected quotFull settlementquot and reversed from Asset to AUC. The again selected quotAutomatic settlementquot and reversed from AUC to Internal order successfully. Now we want to again run stellement and post to final asset with REGULAR PROCEDURE with KO88..But getting problem in step2 as mentioned below. Step1: ran KO88 with quotAutomatic settlementquot and transfered value to AUC successfully. bStep2: ran KO88 with quotFull settlemetquot. But getting the error quotNo transaction data posted since last settlementquot. b Now Internal order any way has no value(as per message) but AUC has the value. But under the same scenario original postings were successfull(i. e when ran quotFull settlelemtquotunder KO88 even that time also value was not there in Internal order) Tested couple of settlelements with some other orders. It works for original settlements BUT 2ND STEP WILL NOT WORK WHEN WE TRY TO REPOST AFTER REVERSALS. Can some please advise what is the reason for this In precise I want to reverse some settlements from Asset-AUC-Internal order and repost to same asset or other asset. Sorry, this problem got resolved. Only mistake I was doing was checking the box quotcheck transaction dataquot - DB:2.58:Why Dont The Settlement Ko88 Of Production Order Reverse The Wip Data Of The Last Month 9z Why dont the production order settlement KO88 reverse the WIP data of the last month 1.The WIP FI DOC: 2.The KO88 FI DOC: This is the problem, the FI Doc have not the reversing WIP data. WHY. 3.The WIP Configuration pic a. the result analysis versions b. the Valuation method(Actual Costs) 4.Target cost versions As Mukhtar and Ramakrishna rightly said, yo have to calculate WIP again on this order if the order is fully delivered now or you have done TECO for this order. See, when we do WIP calculation. system calculates WIP to be posted for the order. This calculation may be positive or negative. Means for example if in the month of July (when the order was in PDLV stage), system calculated the amount of WIP to be posted in that month. But in August (next month) when you will do WIP calculation for the same order, system will calculate amount of WIP to be reversed (which was posted in July as WIP) for this order provided the order is in DLV or TECO status. This is how the system is designed. Now you have to check two points. First that your order is in DLV or TECO stage and second you have done WIP calculation for this order. Feel free to revert, if you further face any problem in this. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.58 DB:2.57:Impact Of Using Periodic Unit Price For Inventory Valuation xz At current we are using moving average price for cost estimate. Standard cost estimate takes the MAP of RMPM at the end of month and use this for cost estimate. Due to highly variable price of RM. we are planning to use periodic unit price for costing and for this purpose we have created a new costing variant and valuation variant which take weighted average of all MAP fluctuations during the month and calculates a periodic unit price at the time of cost run. We have tested it in development server. I want to know the impact of taking this to live environment. What possible problem we can face if we switch to periodic unit price method. Please give your inputs. At current we are using moving average price for cost estimate. Standard cost estimate takes the MAP of RMPM at the end of month and use this for cost estimate. Due to highly variable price of RM. we are planning to use periodic unit price for costing and for this purpose we have created a new costing variant and valuation variant which take weighted average of all MAP fluctuations during the month and calculates a periodic unit price at the time of cost run. We have tested it in development server. I want to know the impact of taking this to live environment. What possible problem we can face if we switch to periodic unit price method. Please give your inputs. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.57 DB:2.57:Price Update 37 How to Update Price quotVquot of Phantom Item which is Procure externally as well as inhouse. At the time External procurement GR will update Moving average price. At the time of In house we may assemble 3 to 5 componets and send it to customer. Our Phantom Item is say 39PA39 groups comp 39A39,39B39,39C39 AND 39D39. Some time customer req. only 39A39,39C39 and 39D39 only. Inthat case system has to update MAP at the time of GR for Production Order. Here they dont want to maintain Split valuation or Standard Price. If you are not going to maintain split valuation means both internal and external procurement should carry same price. In that case you do GR using MIGO OTHERS in 521 Mvt. Type. for the materials which are internally manufactured. This is one case. Now there is one contradiction about what you have said. You mean to say that you may vary the components as per the customer for delivery. So its advisable you to go ahead with VARIANT CONFIGURATION (vc) for the material. Still the most advisable one is that, You create 2 material masters - 1 for external procurement wo VC and another for internal procurement with VC. Plan according to your versatility. Reward if useful, DB:2.56:Em C 723 Periodic Unit Price Of The Material Will Be Negative s1 We have a problem in our month end closing at CKMLCP multilevel price determination as follow: Diagnosis You want to perform single-level or multilevel price determination for the material. Differences were collected in the period to be settled and, upon recalculation, a statistical periodic unit price has been calculated with a negative price. System Response The system will not accept a negative periodic unit price. I have read another topic about this error and try the solution offered as follows : quotin the variant options of multilevelpricing in the frame Negative price: automatic error management i have checked the box for cut all the connections but it didnt work, quot Could anyone help We have a problem in our month end closing at CKMLCP multilevel price determination as follow: Diagnosis You want to perform single-level or multilevel price determination for the material. Differences were collected in the period to be settled and, upon recalculation, a statistical periodic unit price has been calculated with a negative price. System Response The system will not accept a negative periodic unit price. I have read another topic about this error and try the solution offered as follows : quotin the variant options of multilevelpricing in the frame Negative price: automatic error management i have checked the box for cut all the connections but it didnt work, quot Could anyone help RELEVANCY SCORE 2.56 DB:2.56:Ko88 Settlement From Production Order (Pp) To Service Order (Pm) dp in some cases we have Production Orders with settlement rule to Service Order. We perform KO88 at the end of Prod. Order to perform the cost settlement. It works properly in terms of Cost Element and amount, but the fields MATNR and PAROB are not filled in the CO document. Can someone please help on this case The transfer of the 39partner object39 is customized in the order type ofthe order. Please review the settings of the affected order type via KOT2 KOT3. The 39CO Partner39 update will have to be set to active. Please also check if note 130745 Settlement: Missing fields in FI and SL document is useful or not. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.55 DB:2.55:Yr End Settlement Of Internal Order (Ko88) 3x If at yr end I have a production Order with material cost booked. No WIP calculation is done they do not do KO88 (Settlement of Internal order) then what will happen to such internal orders next yr. Will the system allow Confirmation of FG (MB31) settlement of Cost (KO88) in the next yr or no posting will be allowed. The system will not stop you from doing MB31 and settlement next year. But, the cost that were incurred for the month during which settlement did not happen will stay in COGS for that month. They will not be moved to WIP (Balance sheet) which would be a problem. And when you settle in the following month, you will only see the costs confirmed in the following month as COGS. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.55 DB:2.55:Dispaly Ko88 Document jc how i can check k088 documents generated and its follow on documents. what is tcode. If we are using moving price for material why ko88 accounting entry is generated. material is issued at material master price then why entry get generated. also labour and other cost is booked through fi on actual basis, then why ko88 generate entry for this. Tcode for viewing controlling document generated through KO88 is KSB5. You can view any controlling document using this Tcode. If you have to view accounting document for that particular settled production orderinternal order then go to CO03 (for production order) or SALR87012993 (to view particular internal order) RELEVANCY SCORE 2.55 DB:2.55:Impact Of Using Periodic Unit Price For Inventory Valuation k1 At current we are using moving average price for cost estimate. Standard cost estimate takes the MAP of RMPM at the end of month and use this for cost estimate. Due to highly variable price of RM. we are planning to use periodic unit price for costing and for this purpose we have created a new costing variant and valuation variant which take weighted average of all MAP fluctuations during the month and calculates a periodic unit price at the time of cost run. We have tested it in development server. I want to know the impact of taking this to live environment. What possible problem we can face if we switch to periodic unit price method. Please give your inputs. Our concern is fluctuating material prices. Misalnya. RM price during the month fluctuates for the whole month from 30 to 40 Rs. At the month endjust before running cost estimate, an unplanned cost arrived and it was charged to material in stock which artificially inflated to 55 Rs, and costing was done using this MAP of RM. This detoriate our product cost. We opting for Periodic unit cost, periodic unit cost is being calculated using user exit for valuation variation in OKKN. Periodic unit cost sums all MAP during the month and divides by the qty of stock in hand. My question was that if this Periodic unit cost is used for cost estimate then how can it impact other things like variances, product cost e. t.c.. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.55 DB:2.55:Ko88 And Update Of Table Faglflext xs During the settlement of PM order - transaction Ko88 to cost center is generated only Co document. Table FAGLFLEXT is not updated at all. Is there a way table FAGLFLEXT to be updated New Gl is active, Cost center is assign as scenario All answers are wellcome DB:2.53:Production Order With Negative Amount For Settlement In To Material For Map cc When I am trying to settle some production orders, it is giving me an error quotMoving average price for material is negativequot and doesnot let me settle them. we have maintained our materials at MAP and settle our production order variances to material to adjust its MAP. In these orders, it is trying to settle negative value, which is greater than the total value of the stock of materials and if settled leaving some of the stock with negative value. does any body has this situation and what would be the solution for this. This is Pavan Fronm IBGroup Rajnandgaon. To My Knowledge, When U Settle the Production Order, the Diffence Between the Target cost and Actual cost(MAP) of Finished Material hits the Material Account of the finished goods. Target cost (Production Cost) Cost of Raw material consumable, 10 Activity ( Labour, Power, etc) 5 Actual Cost is ur Finished Material (MAP). 18 Now the system calculate the difference as 17 - 18 -1 Rs. it try to reduce from Material Cost, Now in case if Material has the stock say 1 unit. it will reduce the cost of material by 1 rs in Material Master. If the Material has no stock. as we know the system try to reduce the cost from zero stock tends to give us a message saying MOVING AVERAGE PRICE OF MATERIAL IS NEGATIVE. If Target - Actual is say 1 RS it increases the material price to 1 Rupee, if stock is Zero. then 1 Rupee hits the Price Difference CASE 3: STANDARD PRICE INDICATOR In case of Standard Price indicator Every thing beyone the Material Price. whether respect to negative variance or positive variance hits the price difference. So I request u to settle the order if u use MAP for Finished goods befor dispatch of finished good to calculate actual production cost for ur finished material.. We can Also use MR21 for price change if the stock has dispatched befor settlement, but it is not suggestable to my knowledge hence ur material wont carry actual production cost if that is thae case. Please Correct if I m Wrong. J. K.PAVAN KUMAR SAP PP-PI Consultant Edited by: PAVANIDLUR on Mar 30, 2009 9:05 PM Edited by: PAVANIDLUR on Mar 30, 2009 9:09 PM Edited by: PAVANIDLUR on Mar 30, 2009 9:11 PM DATA. itgbdcdata TYPE tabbdcdata WITH HEADER LINE . PARAMETERS. paufnr TYPE aufnr. pbukrs TYPE bukrs . PERFORM pko88 USING paufnr pbukrs. DATA. wgjahr TYPE gjahr. wperio TYPE monat. wnom TYPE apqgrpn. wkeep TYPE char1. wmode TYPE char1 , itenq TYPE wlfseqg3tab WITH HEADER LINE. CALL FUNCTION 39BAPICOMPANYCODEGETPERIOD39 EXPORTING companycodeid wbukrs postingdate sy-datum IMPORTING fiscalyear wgjahr fiscalperiod wperio. Si on trouve rien, on prend la date en cours. IF wgjahr EQ space OR wperio EQ space. MOVE. sy-datum0(4) TO wgjahr. sy-datum4(2) TO wperio. ENDIF. Nom du dossier. CONCATENATE 39OPCCR39 waufnr6(6) INTO wnom. Vrifie si on doit garder les dossiers. SELECT SINGLE low INTO wkeep FROM tvarvc WHERE name EQ 39ZCOKO88BATCHKEEP39. IF sy-subrc NE space. CLEAR wkeep. ENDIF. Open Batch-input. PERFORM popenbdc USING wnom wkeep. Primtre analytique. PERFORM pbdcdynpro USING 39SAPLSPO439 39030039. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39BDCOKCODE39 39FURT39. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39SVALD-VALUE(01)39 39BRAG39. Sauvegarde transaction. PERFORM pbdcdynpro USING 39SAPLKO7139 39100039. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39BDCOKCODE39 39AUSF39. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39LKO74-PERIO39 wperio. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39LKO74-BUPERIO39 wperio. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39LKO74-GJAHR39 wgjahr. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39LKO74-TESTLAUF39 39 39. PERFORM pbdcfield USING 39CODIA-AUFNR39 waufnr. Save the transaction. PERFORM pinsertbdc USING 39KO8839. Close the Batch-input.. PERFORM pclosebdc. Vrifie dans quel mode on doit lancer le batch. SELECT SINGLE low INTO wmode FROM tvarvc WHERE name EQ 39ZCOKO88MODEASYNC39. IF sy-subrc NE space. CLEAR wmode. ENDIF. Si mode Async IF wmode EQ 39X39. Prepare ITENQ. MOVE 39AUFK39 TO itenq-gname. CONCATENATE sy-mandt waufnr INTO itenq-garg. APPEND itenq. Lance le dossier. call function 39ZBCBDCSUBMITLOCKED39 STARTING NEW TASK 39task39 EXPORTING itenqueue itenq wuname sy-uname wnom wnom wmaxwait 5. Si mode synchrone. ELSE. SUBMIT rsbdcsub WITH mappe wnom WITH von sy-datum WITH bis sy-datum EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY AND RETURN. ENDFORM. quot PKO88 CALL FUNCTION 39BDCOPENGROUP39 EXPORTING client sy-mandt quot Numro de mandant group vnomdossier quot Nom dossier batch keep vkeep quot Code user 39FRAPPAUTO39 quot Nom utilisateur EXCEPTIONS clientinvalid 1 destinationinvalid 2 groupinvalid 3 groupislocked 4 holddateinvalid 5 internalerror 6 queueerror 7 running 8 systemlockerror 9 userinvalid 10 OTHERS 11. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE. 1 39Impossible de crer le dossier batch-input.39. 1 39Erreur :39. sy-subrc. STOP. ENDIF. REFRESH itgbdcdata. CLEAR itgbdcdata. EXIT. ENDFORM. quot POPENBDC CALL FUNCTION 39BDCCLOSEGROUP39 EXCEPTIONS notopen 1 queueerror 2 OTHERS 3. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE. 1 39Impossible de fermer le dossier batch-input.39. 1 39Erreur :39. sy-subrc. ENDIF. ENDFORM. quot CLOSEBDC Efface la header-line. CLEAR itgbdcdata. Insertion des valeurs. itgbdcdata-program progname. itgbdcdata-dynpro dynpronr. itgbdcdata-dynbegin 39X39. Enregistrement des valeurs. APPEND itgbdcdata. ENDFORM. quot PBDCDYNPRO Efface la header-line. CLEAR itgbdcdata. Insertion des valeurs. itgbdcdata-fnam fieldname. itgbdcdata-fval fieldvalue. Enregistrement des valeurs. APPEND itgbdcdata. ENDFORM. quot PBDCFIELD Efface la header-line. CLEAR itgbdcdata. Insertion des valeurs. itgbdcdata-fnam fieldname. itgbdcdata-fval fieldvalue. Enregistrement des valeurs. APPEND itgbdcdata. ENDFORM. quot PBDCCURSOR CALL FUNCTION 39BDCINSERT39 EXPORTING tcode tcode TABLES dynprotab itgbdcdata EXCEPTIONS internalerror 1 notopen 2 queueerror 3 tcodeinvalid 4 printinginvalid 5 postinginvalid 6 OTHERS 7. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE. 1 text-003. 1 39Erreur :39. sy-subrc. ENDIF. REFRESH itgbdcdata. CLEAR itgbdcdata. ENDFORM. quot PINSERTBDC RELEVANCY SCORE 2.53 DB:2.53:Settlement (Ko8gKo88) And Error F6804 (Value Blank Space Is Invalid. ) md Our business has discovered a number of orders (PM maintenance orders) that were not settled back in FY2009. Unfortunately, in FY2010 we implemented BCS (Budget Control Systems) and turned on Fund as an account assignment element. When we try to settle the older orders using trxn KO8G and KO88 we get the error F6804 (Value BLANK SPACE is invalid for account assignment element quotfundquot). It appears to tie back to the COSS-HRKFT value being blank on these records since FundBCS wasnt turned on at the time they were created. Anyone know of a way to get these orders settled. or to correctadd HRKFT values to the COSS table We are up to date on all OSS notes and running version ECC6.0 (SAPKH60407), EA-PS (SAPK-60407INEAPS). All ideas are appreciated FYI -- based on our testing and response from SAP. recommended option for settling these items is to change the fund accounting configuration to make quotFundquot an optional account assignment element. Settle the documents, then change the configuration back to require quotFundquot as an account assignment element. We also need to do this after hours so no other documents accidentally post without the fund. Another business rep suggested manually reversing the amounts against the orders using JV postings against each order. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.53 DB:2.53:Excess Settlement From Auc To Asset In Ko88 ad While executing a FUL settlement of the capital investment internal order to settle the AUC to asset, the system is posting an exess to the asset in depreciation areas where the currency is not same as book depreciation area. APC in AUC: 1000 USD (book dep-area) 975 EUR (another dep-area) After executing FUL settlement in KO88, the values settled to final asset are: 1000 USD (book dep-area) 980 EUR (another dep-area) Thereby creating a negative APC value in the AUC in another dep-area. Please let me know, what can lead to the above discrepancy. While executing a FUL settlement of the capital investment internal order to settle the AUC to asset, the system is posting an exess to the asset in depreciation areas where the currency is not same as book depreciation area. APC in AUC: 1000 USD (book dep-area) 975 EUR (another dep-area) After executing FUL settlement in KO88, the values settled to final asset are: 1000 USD (book dep-area) 980 EUR (another dep-area) Thereby creating a negative APC value in the AUC in another dep-area. Please let me know, what can lead to the above discrepancy. DB:2.52:Invoice Posting Error 7d Purchase Order 4XXX line item 2. Goods receipt was posted with a wrong value due to wrong pricing unit of measurement on 30.11.2009. Finance have at the same day corrected the wrong GR value on GL 4508001 Material GRIR and on GL 6500000 PPV. Now at the time of posting Invoice. There is hard stop error quot The price for material 1XXX will be negativequot. Price control in Material master is Moving average price. Please help me in posting and Invoice. No no other solution. you either do the price change (you will find several OSS notes that recommend the same) or you have to cancel any movement that happened back to the first wrong posting including undoing the finance change, of course in the right sequence from the current the oldest movement. then correct the root cause and post everything again. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.52 DB:2.52:Pp Month End Process zd Can any body tell me in details what are the month end step to be followd in PP . I have done the sattlement for one production order in ko88.after that if I run the std cost of the material but the price is not updated. For updating the sattle price what to be done For order settlement, refer to Mr. Bramhankar39s inputs: 1. After Final Confirmation of Order ( Status. CNF) make GR for for order using Tcode. MIGO MB31 so Production Order Status will be DLV. 2. Then complete the order technically by using Tcode. CO02-- Functions ( Menu)--- Restrict Processing - Technically Complete. You can carry out TECO for multiple Orders in Tcode. COHV (Mass Processing). 3.Now Calculate Overheads using Tcode. KGI2 - Individual Processing CO43 - Collective Processing 4.Calculate WIP using Tcode. KKAX - Individual Processing KKAO - Collective Processing 5.Calculate Variance by using Tcode. KKS2 - Individual Processing KKS1 - Collective Processing 6.Finally do the settlement of Order in Tcode. KO88 - Individual Processing CO88 - Collective Processing For standard price, refer to the below thread: Standard price calculation Hope the above helps. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.52 DB:2.52:Internal Order Settlement Issue fs I have posted some entries in Postage internal orders. But when i tried to settle that in KO88, it is showing the below message. No Transaction Data Posted Since Last Settlement Actually once the client executed KO8G transaction for all orders. At that time 2 Orders was not settled. Now When i tried to settle them in KO88, It is giving the above message. Why it is not getting settled How to fix this error. Kindly help me Because these order are alreaddy settled. No balance on these order please check in KKBCORD. You can just settle additional amounts posted since last settlement. For deatils refer this link, DB:2.51:Overhead Cost And Price Difference On Moving Average Price Material sd As we know, any change of the cost, like purchasing of map material at different price, the system will move the map cost in material master MM03. 1 I would like to know how overhead cost will affect the moving average price material or is there any overhead cost for moving average price material 2 I see for trading company, we also have activity allocation and allocation cycle of cost. May I know the cost is actual Will it affect moving average price material 3 Is there price difference for moving average price material if yes, will it move the map price 1) any kind of costs you can customize statistical condition on purchase order for all cost that you are able to directly assign to the material cost. 2) the moving average price (MAP) is calculated automatically by MM transaction (good receipt, invoice receipt or direct posting to material) there is no way to affect this value with indirect cost allocation. In controlling you can assign indirect cost to the materials (using costing sheet), but you cannot affect MAP. For example you can charge to your inventory the labour cost for handling the material (indirect cost). but this value can be only calculated in controlling module. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.51 DB:2.50:Finish Goods With MaS Price Control 77 We have one requirement for the our client. Finish Goods With S Price Control Since SAP strongly recommend to use Standard price control for the semi-finish and finish goods. We have maintained price control S in the material master for finish goods. Now due to standard price all difference will post to price difference account after settlement of production order via KO88 or CO88. Since CO is not implemented, all price difference not getting updated in any GL account as shown in bellow screen shot(Price Difference 113533.63). Now client is not using KO88 OR CO88 - actual settlement for production order. Question. How to post this price difference to particular material or particular GL account Finish Goods With MA Price Control I have created one Finish goods with price control V and price 100. As per my knowledge when we use moving price all price need to upload on finish goods. But i have tested one scenario with price control V and getting same GL account entries as price control S. Please refer bellow screen shot. Question. Why this price difference not posted to Finish Goods. Accounting entry getting generated with the price maintained in the material master. Can anyone help me resolved this issue. Thanks in Advance Seems you should use Mater Ledger. If ML is activated, the PRD can be settled to material account. Thanks and regards, RELEVANCY SCORE 2.49 DB:2.49:Price Condition Equal To Vprs Cost Of Goods 9c I have a senario, which we will create sales orders for customers with sales price equals to the MAP(moving average price) at the time when the SO being input. And the sales price in sales orders should be copy to the billing whether the MAP has changed or not . Now I have set up an pricing procedure, which use VPRS as the sales price condition type, but here comes another question when I create billing according to the delivery. When I create the billing document, the net value is defferent with the net value of the sales order, because the MAP has changed during the goods issue. Is there any idea that can make sure the sale price equals to the MAP. and the billing net value is same as sales order net value can you give me some advice. thanks for you help thanks you a billion . You have offer me a great help, and by the way I have modified the copy control for billing from OBD-billing to SO --billing. and the copy control for the item category as price type has set to E adopt the price element unchanged and fix value. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.49 DB:2.49:Impact Of Negative Stock To Map Calculation 7f I have some query on the impact of Negative Stock to MAP price calculation. If letu2019s say now I have 10 unit of stock A u2013 Total stock value RM100 Then, I goods issue 200 unit of stock A - Stock value - RM1900 Then, I goods receipt 200 unit again at diff cost, the accounting posting is : Dr Stock RM 2050 Cr GRIR RM 3000 Dr Inv Adjustment RM 950 Just wondering How system calculate RM2050 Any idea The MAP had now changed to RM15 unit. Hope to get feedback from SAP guru. Thanks Thanks Appreciate the clarification RELEVANCY SCORE 2.49 DB:2.49:Settlement Error On Ko88 cx I39ve an error at the time of Settlement Run from KO88, SAP error log is mentioned on the attached TXT file. And in below link it is my replay to an expert colleague on his answer for another colleague whom had same error like me, but I made all steps (as far I see) as the expert colleague said and yet the error exists. Thanks in advance and your fast help is highly appreciated where we started new period and orders must be settled ASAP. Please once check your PA transfer structure ZC, in that I hope you made 3 assignments for revenues, spares and labour hours. And as you said, for each assignment you have assigned source with cost element group and value field with right value field only. Once again check, whether the cost element groups you assigned under SOURCE, contain cost element 5330000 or not, if not please assign that cost element in respective groups. Some times we might assign same cost element (here 5330000) in different groups which are used in same PA transfer structure, please check this also. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.49 DB:2.49:Time Based Valuation Price According To Price Control. Valuation Variant Startegy xa Please tell me what39s the use of this strategy. Client wanted to run cost estimate as on 1st Oct and to have all material cost not on MAP as in MM but the last MAP ( September say ). After several tries I could achieve this by putting J - Time based valuation price according to price control as 1st prioirity and input of 30th Sep as valuation date in costing run ( the MAP of 30th and 1st were different ) . My question is under what circumstances one uses this. Because if we run cost estimate of FG at the beginning of period and use BOM material cost pertaining to previous date. we can39t satisfy the auditor. Response will be highly appreciated . This is used especially when you want to calculate a modified cost estimate at each period end based on actual prices Std cost Std Qty (x) Std price Modified or Revised cost Std Qty (x) Actual Prices. The actual prices for materials come using J and actual prices for activities come by choosing the relevant strategy in Val variant This modified cost is not released as Std cost, but usually stored in Planned price fields or commercial price fields for info sake RELEVANCY SCORE 2.49 DB:2.49:Gr Done At Map And Not At Price In Po mk HiI have created PO with basic price as Rs.100Now MAP is Rs.99.50 in material master. Price control is V in the material masterWhen i did GR, GR accounting entry was posted at MAP price and not at the price mentioned in PO. I want that GR should be done at price in PO and not at MAP. Is there any setting which needs to be done by MM person so that GR is done at PO price and not MAP. Hi, In case of Stock Transport Order, system will always pick up the MAP of Supplying Plant and will valuate the Inventory of material in Receiving Plant with same Amount. Doesn39t pick up the PO Price since it is nothing but MAP of supplying plant. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.48 DB:2.48:How To Settle Price Difference Account dp In our company code, Materials are valued as 39MAP39 i. e. 39V39. But at the time of production order settlement, The stock of material is not updated, instead the value is posted in Price Difference Account GL. This is giving wrong valuation of the material. Is there any procedure to settle the price difference to Inventory Valuation Please help. This is very Important. Yes it is true that all the materials in the new company codes are configured with Moving Average Price. The issue is regarding all the materials. I know that the issue can be solved by material ledger. But the material masters have been already uploaded for the new company codes. Is activating Material ledger now possible What shall be the impact on the system Is there anything in particular that should be considered before activating Material Ledger Will it change the why processes flows in SAP RELEVANCY SCORE 2.48 DB:2.48:Negative Stock (39Moving Average Price For Material Is Negative39) j8 I have a question with regards to negative stock. Does it means if I configure my system (i. e. OMJ1) by allowing the negative stock for a particular plant, the problem of Invoice bumping the error (i. e. 39moving average price for material is negative39) WILL NOT happen at all again If not, how can I solve this problem Once you allow the - ve stock allowed, system will auto update MAP with goods issue postings. As said above, this is not a good practice..this option shd be only be used in emergency. And shd be reset when the work is done. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.48 DB:2.48:Co88 Moving Average Price Is Negative xp Hello, the problem is that it39s not possible to execute the settlemente for production order because of error message. quotmoving average price is negativequot. I39ve looked through discussions already and found that SAP doesn39t recommend MAP for finished goods, however we have to use it. quotWhen materials whose price control indicator is set to V are received from in-house manufacturing processes, they are initially valuated with a value you defined (such as the standard price). When you settle, the material stock account is debited with the variances. This results in a new moving average price. quot Perhaps you know what they mean by quotvalue you definedquot - entry in EBEW MAP im material master is currently 0, however it39s not clear how it39s possible - GR for production order doesn39t influence MAP at all. How it dropped to zeromaterial is used for production only - GR and normal GI, no credit memos. SP0007000139 shows false values because value on start date is already negative and is equal to current stock. Today we have 50 M on stock, value on start date is -50 in this report. Tomorrow 100 M on stock and it39s -100M. Price and stock remains 0 on current date and it makes no difference for report, it seem39s to count bottom-up. Material ledger (skm3) is not active. mb5m and others doesnt show credit memos or 0 stock at a certain date. Is it enough to change the price in MR21 for material master data or does settlement work with other tables and formulas How it works at all Thank you very much for help You could check if in your customizing (transaction OMRM) for 39Online39 still 39E39 is set. Also for executing programs or for background jobs the entry under 39Online39 is relevant. The entry under 39BatchI39 is only for the background processing mode for BDC (batch input). You could enter a 39W39 or 39-39 under 39Online39 and retest Then transaction KO88CO88 and also the program RKO7CO88 should not haveM8783 as error message anymore. Hope this helps RELEVANCY SCORE 2.48 DB:2.48:Service Order To Sales Order Settlement xd While settling service order to sales order via KO88, our Product Costs settled to one secondary cost element say-962100 Labor Costs settled to secondary cost elemnt-say 968000. We need to pass journal entry for transfer labour cost to GL account manually. Do we have any option to post enrty to GL accountquotsalaries wagesquot at the time of settlement itself. In T. code - OKO6 - allocation structure. in settlement cost element, define as below Receiver Cat - GL SEttlement cost element - eg 520100 In the settlement rule in service order, give receiver as GL - eg the COGS - otheres ac. This will transfer the cost to the GL as requried. While trying to settle the production order through transaction ko88. the system gives following error msg: quotMaterial Price is Negativequot. how to solve this error why this error ocurred I am getting below mesaage am getting the following error message during settlement Moving average price for material is negative: G035018P2105 1200 IN HOUSE Message no. M8783 This item would create a stock value posting which would result in a negative moving average price for the material. The category of this message can be changed in Customizing for Invoice Verification. This means that you can receive a message as an error message even though it is defined as a warning message in the standard system. The following documentation deals with the case applicable to the standard system only. The system does not allow a negative moving average price. Check your entry in the field quotAmountquot and correct it if necessary. If your entry is correct, check the following for the material the stock value (Environment - Master data info - Display material) the posting history (Environment - Line items - For material). It might be necessary to cancel past postings (for example, incorrectly valuated goods receipts or incorrect price changes), before you can carry out your posting. If you wish to carry out a price change, the total stock of the material may be negative. A price cannot be changed if the stock is negative. Thanks in advance DB:2.48:Problems In Using Co Production Order In Conjunction With Material zs weve got a requirement to manage produced materials on controlling object. We have chosen CO Production order which should settle from CO PO into matarial, costs of goods receipt and additional expences during the month operations. We created following process: Create CO Production order (TC: KKF1): Mainteined Material master data (TC: MM03) (it needs to have a price - which isnt good) Then we make Goods Receipt by order (TC: MIGO): It takes material from KKF3 order 700042: It finds the previous material batch (batch number must be unique for each good receipt for the same material) It takes the moving price form (master data) (Price must be every time different and input manually as purchasing price)Good issue material price must be with additional cost per unit and batch. FI has been updated with GR FI document Then we create additional FI document on CO Production order as adidtional costs Create settlement TC: KO88: The settlement is executed succesfully but the value is with - sign than with After KO88 in material master data we can see changed price After settlement the material GI will be handeled with new price. Does anybody know how to solve these questions: It finds the previous material batch (batch number must be unique for each good receipt for the same material) It takes the moving price form (master data) (Price must be every time different and input manually as purchasing price)Good issue material price must be with additional cost per unit and batch. weve got a requirement to manage produced materials on controlling object. We have chosen CO Production order which should settle from CO PO into matarial, costs of goods receipt and additional expences during the month operations. We created following process: Create CO Production order (TC: KKF1): Mainteined Material master data (TC: MM03) (it needs to have a price - which isnt good) Then we make Goods Receipt by order (TC: MIGO): It takes material from KKF3 order 700042: It finds the previous material batch (batch number must be unique for each good receipt for the same material) It takes the moving price form (master data) (Price must be every time different and input manually as purchasing price)Good issue material price must be with additional cost per unit and batch. FI has been updated with GR FI document Then we create additional FI document on CO Production order as adidtional costs Create settlement TC: KO88: The settlement is executed succesfully but the value is with - sign than with After KO88 in material master data we can see changed price After settlement the material GI will be handeled with new price. Does anybody know how to solve these questions: It finds the previous material batch (batch number must be unique for each good receipt for the same material) It takes the moving price form (master data) (Price must be every time different and input manually as purchasing price)Good issue material price must be with additional cost per unit and batch. RELEVANCY SCORE 2.48

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